CABA Pro Bono Legal Services is committed to effecting positive change in the lives of children, individuals and families in need through legal advocacy. Our team achieves this by offering free, direct legal assistance for civil legal matters to low-income Florida residents- regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.

Please refer all inquiries via e-mail us at probono@cabaprobono.com 


Immigrant Children’s Program 

In partnership with Connect Families and The Children’s Trust, CABA Pro Bono works to provide undocumented minors in Miami-Dade County who have been abandoned, abused or neglected with free legal representation and community services to help them succeed and thrive.

Learn More. 


Domestic Violence Victims Representation Program

 In 2018, 104,914 crimes of domestic violence were reported to Florida law enforcement agencies resulting in 64,573 arrests. Many more survivors of domestic violence are not reporting their abusers to the police or accessing services due to reasons such as shame, fear, or being prevented from doing so by their abusers. CABA Pro Bono is passionately committed to removing barriers for victims who are in need of legal representation. The CABA Pro Bono Domestic Violence Program provides a holistic approach to legal services for domestic violence survivors in our community. We represent low-income survivors in divorce, paternity, domestic violence injunction and child support cases. 

 Learn more.


Human Trafficking Victims Representation Program

Worldwide, human trafficking is on the rise. Pursuant to the Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking, “Florida has been identified as a hub for human trafficking activity, citing one of the highest incidents of human trafficking in the country,” affecting both foreign and domestic individuals.” In addition to the numerous social service needs of victims of human trafficking, they are often faced with overwhelming legal issues. CABA Pro Bono has a specially trained staff attorney to represent victims and to address the wide array of legal needs they may have.

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Eviction Diversion Program

The goal of the program is to assist hundreds of at-risk Miami-Dade County residential tenants and their families by keeping families in their homes, allowing families to relocate on their own time frame, avoiding an eviction judgment and keeping families out of the Homeless Continuum of Care.

We set out to provide free legal services to those at-risk tenants who are facing eviction or in eviction proceedings. We inform tenants of the eviction process, applicable law, defenses and prohibited practices.

As a result of this program, we are providing an important service to the residents of Miami-Dade County who would not have the guidance of an attorney assisting them with their case.


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Neurodivergent Legal Assistance Program

The Neurodivergent Program provides legal advice and representation to neurodivergent children/young adults, their families and caregivers.  

 Often a guardian advocate needs to be appointed when a neurodiverse person turns eighteen years old. Upon becoming an adult, the parent no longer has the legal ability to make decisions for them.  To qualify for a guardianship advocacy the person must have a syndrome or disorder that affects decision making ability in some but not all areas of daily life. Not all neurodiverse persons need a legal guardian. One is necessary if the person lacks the decision making ability to make necessary decisions in areas such as healthcare or education. 

The program does not provide legal representation for individuals that require a court finding of incapacity. Rather this program is for neurodiverse individuals that require some help but can still take care of some of their daily needs. 

The goal of the program is to provide counsel to families and caregivers regarding all legal options available to them from the least restrictive alternative to the most restrictive alternative. In certain instances, a supported decision making agreement or power of attorney is sufficient to provide the necessary support for the neurodiverse individual without need of a court-appointed guardian advocate. 

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 Veteran’s Program

Florida has the third largest veteran population in the nation. CABA Pro Bono is thankful to the sacrifices made by our veterans to protect and serve our nation. The CABA Pro Bono Veteran’s Representation Program provides a holistic approach to legal services for low-income veterans who need help in the areas of family and landlord/tenant law. We represent veterans in divorce, paternity and child support cases, as well as landlord/tenant matters.

Learn more.


 General Pro Bono

 Volunteer your time and further our mission by taking a case or attending one of CABA Pro Bono’s many remote or in-person legal clinics providing free counsel to Miami-Dade County’s most vulnerable populations .

Please refer all pro bono inquiries via e-mail to probono@cabaprobono.com




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